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Bug / Crash  App crash after RemoveFromSolver called [4.0.2 and older]
I had the same crash on older versions. And I already posted information about it in other my threads. But finally I was able to reproduce crash with 80-100% repo rate and I've found the source of it. 

To reproduce open your example RuntimeCloth.scene. Replace SackGenerator.cs content with code in this post below.

This code just call RemoveFromSolver for all generated cloth after 2 seconds and you can add unlimited amount of cloth when press SPACE button.
Crash occurs after RemoveFromSolver called with some delay (1-5 sec) but you have to do it a couple of time to get crash 100%. On my PC it takes 1-4 tries. 
Sometimes you will have some Unity errors popping up in random places. And then you get crash. Also occurs in standalone version. On Mac OS and Windows. My Unity is 2018.3.0f2
This is a very big blocker for us currently. Because we create lots of objects in runtime and we need to remove them from solver and add again for resimulation.
I am also not able to resimulate ObiActor in 4.0.2 using same solver but I will try some other ways and open a new thread about it if I fail. But first this issue need to be handled.

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using Obi;

* Generates a fully procedural cloth sack at runtime. This is done by generating two meshes
* and using RuntimeClothGenerator to create cloth out of both of them. Then they are sewn together using
* the ObiStitcher component.
public class SackGenerator : MonoBehaviour {

    public ObiSolver solver;                /**< solver to add the sack to.*/
    public ObiMeshTopology topology;        /**< empty topology asset used to store sack mesh information.*/
    public Material outsideMaterial;                /**< material used for rendering the sack.*/
    public Material insideMaterial;                /**< material used for rendering the sack.*/
    public float sackSize = 1;                 /**< size of the sack in world units.*/
    public int resolution = 10;           /**< resolution of sack mesh in quads per side.*/
    private List<ObiCloth> _GeneratedActors = new List<ObiCloth>();

    * Generates and returns procedural tesselated square mesh.
    private Mesh GenerateSheetMesh(){

        // create a new mesh:
        Mesh mesh = new Mesh(); = "sack_sheet";

        float quadSize = sackSize/resolution;
        int vertexCount = (resolution + 1) * (resolution + 1);
        int triangleCount = resolution * resolution * 2;
        Vector3[] vertices = new Vector3[vertexCount];
        Vector3[] normals = new Vector3[vertexCount];
        Vector4[] tangents = new Vector4[vertexCount];
        Vector2[] uvs = new Vector2[vertexCount];
        int[] triangles = new int[triangleCount * 3];
        // generate vertices:
        // for each row:
        for (int y = 0; y < resolution+1; ++y){
            // for each column:
            for (int x = 0; x < resolution+1; ++x){
                int v = y*(resolution+1)+x;
                vertices[v] = new Vector3(quadSize*x,quadSize*y,0);
                normals[v] = Vector3.forward;
                tangents[v] = new Vector4(1,0,0,1);
                uvs[v] = new Vector3(x/(float)resolution,y/(float)resolution);

        // generate triangle faces:
        for (int y = 0; y < resolution; ++y){
            // for each column:
            for (int x = 0; x < resolution; ++x){

                int face = (y*(resolution+1)+x);
                int t = (y*resolution+x)*6;

                triangles[t] = face;
                triangles[t+1] = face+1;
                triangles[t+2] = face+resolution+1;
                triangles[t+3] = face+resolution+1;
                triangles[t+4] = face+1;
                triangles[t+5] = face+resolution+2;
        mesh.vertices = vertices;
        mesh.normals = normals;
        mesh.tangents = tangents;
        mesh.uv = uvs;
        mesh.triangles = triangles;
        return mesh;

    private void GenerateSack(){

        Mesh mesh = GenerateSheetMesh();

        // create and give a material to both sides of the sack:
        GameObject sheet1 = new GameObject("sack_side1",typeof(MeshFilter),typeof(MeshRenderer));
        sheet1.GetComponent<MeshRenderer>().materials = new Material[]{outsideMaterial,insideMaterial};

        GameObject sheet2 = new GameObject("sack_side2",typeof(MeshFilter),typeof(MeshRenderer));
        sheet2.GetComponent<MeshRenderer>().materials = new Material[]{outsideMaterial,insideMaterial};

        // position both sheets around the center of this object:
        sheet1.transform.parent = transform;
        sheet2.transform.parent = transform;
        sheet1.transform.localPosition = Vector3.forward;
        sheet2.transform.localPosition = -Vector3.forward;

        // generate cloth for both of them:
        RuntimeClothGenerator generator1 = sheet1.AddComponent<RuntimeClothGenerator>();
        generator1.solver = solver;
        generator1.topology = topology;
        generator1.mesh = mesh;

        RuntimeClothGenerator generator2 = sheet2.AddComponent<RuntimeClothGenerator>();
        generator2.solver = solver;
        generator2.topology = topology;
        generator2.mesh = mesh;

        // sew both sides together:
        ObiStitcher stitcher = gameObject.AddComponent<ObiStitcher>();
        stitcher.Actor1 = sheet1.GetComponent<ObiCloth>();
        stitcher.Actor2 = sheet2.GetComponent<ObiCloth>();

        // add stitches: top and bottom edges:
        for (int i = 1; i < resolution; ++i){
            stitcher.AddStitch((resolution+1)*resolution + i,(resolution+1)*resolution + i);

        // sides:
        for (int i = 0; i <= (resolution+1)*resolution; i+=resolution+1){
            stitcher.AddStitch(i + resolution ,i + resolution );

        // adjust bending constraints to obtain a little less rigid fabric:
        ObiCloth cloth1 = sheet1.GetComponent<ObiCloth>();
        ObiCloth cloth2 = sheet2.GetComponent<ObiCloth>();

        cloth1.BendingConstraints.maxBending = 0.02f;
        cloth2.BendingConstraints.maxBending = 0.02f;



    public void Update(){

        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space))
            Invoke("RemoveAllGenerated", 2.0f);

    public void RemoveAllGenerated()
        foreach (var actor in _GeneratedActors)

I am not attaching a Crash Log because all times it is different because of memory corruption. But it happens 100% after RemoveFromSolver was called.

Messages In This Thread
App crash after RemoveFromSolver called [4.0.2 and older] - by mmortall - 26-02-2019, 01:40 PM