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Interacting with cloth with OVRGrabber
(06-02-2019, 06:32 PM)Mrpillis Wrote: Hi-

I am using an Oculus touch with Obi Cloth- so far, the hands can cause collisions if the hands have obi colliders on them, but I cannot set up a grabbing dynamic. OVRGrabble requires a rigidbody and collider to grab, but the particles don’t actually have colliders enabled on all the dynamic surfaces. Is there a way to allow for interaction with particle cloths using the properties of collision and rigid bodies?

Best approach to this is modifying particle properties to move them around. Set the inverse mass and the velocity of the grabbed particle(s) to zero, and set their position while the user is moving his hand around. Then reset their inverse mass once the user let go.


Also, take a look at ObiParticlePicker.cs and ObiParticleDragger.cs as reference. The first allows to pick a particle using the mouse cursor (via raycast), the second one subscribes to the events of the picker to implement particle dragging.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Interacting with cloth with OVRGrabber - by josemendez - 06-02-2019, 06:43 PM