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Help  Change of rope size
(26-12-2018, 03:39 PM)guada_palau Wrote: Hello! I'm working on a project in vr and I'm using the rope. I have the problem shown in the photo, when I grab to hook and stretch it, the string is separated from it at a certain point. I am using the ObiRopeCursor component but I do not understand it in its entirety. Is there any way to fix it?

Thank you


I'm not entirely sure I've understood your question.

ObiRopeCursor is used to change the length of the rope programmatically via its ChangeLength() method (see the Crane sample scene). This does not have much to do with your gap problem.

If you overstretch the rope by fixing it to two objects and then separating them a distance longer than the rope, the rope will stretch and leave gaps. No way to prevent this, as rope cannot apply forces back to resist tension unless it is pinned to rigibbodies, using pin constraints. If you're already using pin constraints, then you can reduce the gap by increasing the amount of pin constraint iterations, or reducing the tilmestep.

I'd recommend reading this:

Messages In This Thread
Change of rope size - by guada_palau - 26-12-2018, 03:39 PM
RE: Change of rope size - by josemendez - 27-12-2018, 09:39 AM