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Help  ObiPathSmoother needd for chain renderer
(02-10-2023, 03:56 PM)lacasrac Wrote: Hello,

I use a lot of obiPathSmoother.GetSectionAt(T).position
But how can I use it with a chainrenderer? As I saw there is no ObiPathSmoother..



Chains aren't smoothed because links in a chain are completely rigid.

You can use rope.GetElementAt(float mu, out elementMu) to retrieve an element at a normalized point in the rope, just like you do with GetSectionAt. You use it like this:

var elm = rope.GetElementAt(0.5f, out float elementMu);
var position = Vector3.Lerp(rope.solver.positions[elm.particle1], rope.solver.positions[elm.particle2], elementMu);

kind regards,

Messages In This Thread
RE: ObiPathSmoother needd for chain renderer - by josemendez - 03-10-2023, 06:57 AM