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Bug / Crash  Trouble with particle editing and Prefabs. - 2018.3.13f1

Take a look at this -very similar- thread:

(26-04-2019, 03:20 PM)jabza Wrote: Defining Pin constraints in the Prefab editor simply does not work. References to the Pin object are not preserved. I am forced to unpack the Prefab, modify the ObiCloth, and re-create the Prefab. 

Of course, since prefabs do not support references to anything outside the prefab hierarchy. So if you add a pin constraint to something that's not part of the prefab, it will not be preserved. Same behavior as the old prefab system, Unity prefabs have always worked this way.

(26-04-2019, 03:20 PM)jabza Wrote: I've noticed a similar problem with Obi Handles, they do not a appear in the hierarchy when creating them.

Because they're not created as a child of the cloth itself. That would defeat the purpose of handles entirely, which is to decouple specific groups of fixed particles from the cloth's own transform, so that they can be controlled independently . Handles created at the scene root, outside of the prefab, and you're free to unpack the prefab and include them in its hierarchy if you wish to. Again, same behavior as with old prefab system.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Trouble with particle editing and Prefabs. - 2018.3.13f1 - by josemendez - 29-04-2019, 09:37 PM