05-01-2021, 04:22 PM
(04-01-2021, 10:33 AM)josemendez Wrote: As stated in the store, the minimal supported version for Obi 5.X is Unity 2019.3.
Latest version compatible with Unity 2018.4 is Obi 4.1. Keep in mind that 4.X and 5.X are very different performance, API, and workflow wise. I'd advise to update Unity instead. In addition to this, Obi 4.1 will no longer be updated/supported once Unity drops support for 2018.4 LTS, which will happen in spring 2021.
If you need Obi 4.1, just drop us a line to support(at)virtualmethodstudio.com. Thanks!
Hi jose mendez,
I had mailed you twice yesterday and again I have dropped an email with invoice and purchasing detail now.
Please check whether you are receiving any mails or not.