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Preparing character for Obi cloth
As I dig into the details I want to again thank you for such impressive work. I am fairly new to modeling (Maya) and have some questions about preparing Model/Clothes to work with Obi Cloth. I am creating my character with a trenchcoat from scratch (Using CharacterCloth manual as a guide). Forgive me in advance if the questions stray toward modeling.

-I assume I need to make a common rig for trenchcoat/character (Using Maya). This association of meshes to bones is what I believe causes Unity to add SkinnedMeshRenders in both meshes upon import (Obi requirement). Is this the correct approach to add cloths (i.e. Maya), as opposed to no skinning or Wrap Deformer tool.

-The CharacterCloth example has a separate skinned mesh for the character and trenchcoat. The unity characters for optimal performance manual page emphasizes that multiple skinned meshes is not desired. Is this a real issue that you just accept if you want clothing to move. I assume Unity Cloth has the same requirements.

-In your CharacterCloth example does it hurt performance to show parts of human mesh that are always covered by trenchcoat (ie. back)? Honestly I do not know how to correct this issue if it is a concern.

-Out of curiosity what exactly keeps the characters leg from going through the trenchcoat tails if he kicks backward. Is it Obi cloth simulation or is it inherent in the skinned mesh, because I assume the legs due not influence the trenchcoat. Really asking to get a better picture of how all the pieces work.

Messages In This Thread
Preparing character for Obi cloth - by aidesigner - 06-10-2017, 06:03 PM