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Help  Can I attach particeattachment in script?
(23-10-2024, 09:55 AM)josemendez Wrote: Jitter can be caused by multiple problems. Most often, constraint fighting or concave distance fields.

Make sure your cloth isn't smaller than the body's distance fields, and make sure to use multiple convex distance fields instead of a single concave one. This is also the only way to use distance fields with a deformable object such as a skinned mesh, since SDFs cannot deform.

Keep in mind that SDFs store just the closest distance for each point in space, and this closest point may be different each frame in concave areas which leads to jittering.

Cloth should not just disappear, I've been unable to reproduce anything like this. Would it be possible to share details about your setup?
Hello! Thank you for kind explanation. Since we are using distance field created from body shaped mesh, I think cause of the jittering is body shaped mesh.
And this is the link of our project file in google drive. I set the environment scene ' Test_CharacterCloth.scene' in Assets/Test directory. and There is a body gameobject named 'female_default_mannequin_trenchCopy'(I know, it is a long name lol)  with obi solver and it is wearing cloth gameobject named 'TOP_hly_oatmeal' . As soon as I start play mod, the cloth object disappears in scene...? It still exists in scene but other clothes have same situations.

These are the screenshots         

Messages In This Thread
RE: Can I attach particeattachment in script? - by gahyun11 - 28-10-2024, 03:43 AM