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Feedback How to Controll Rope Elements/segmrents and have better collision
What im trying to do with OBI Rope is a simple weaving mechanics. In which i have rows of cylinders and then I use the rope in this case the wefts to move across and wrap around thos columns back and forth:

Im using OBI-Rope Version 7
Im using the Cursor to add new segements/Particles at the end of the rope

Main Issuses

  1. When I hit the down or up arrows using rigidbody force to move the rope 1 unit along a clyinder,, the whole rope is affected, But what i want is on ly for the last one or last to segments to be affected by this force and all the previous one should stay where they at. ( Shown at the end of the attched video)
  2. When the rope is moving faster the collision breaks and rope goes through the columns/warps. but if I move it slower it seems to act good which brings us to issue #3
  3. Im building on top of the Wrap-The-Rope  Sample scene, which by default has a tension. I can stop this tension by making the start attchment as Static by then i lose the colliding 
My questions are
  • How to control specific segemnts as to freeze their position once created and only move the last n-ones
  • How to have collison not be broken no matter how fast or streched is the rope
  • How to stop/ disable the tension without the comprimising the dyniamic bhaviour of the attched ends

Messages In This Thread
How to Controll Rope Elements/segmrents and have better collision - by Barax94 - 25-08-2024, 02:14 AM