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Help  Question about garment onto a 3d avatar using Obi

(02-05-2024, 05:06 AM)onfitpark Wrote: After seeing that nothings has changed yet, I tried to add Obi Collider component to each clothes and set Category and Collide With value, and I saw the two clothes were just crumpled. I guess Obi might be confused with 3 different Obi Collider working at the same time.

Adding a ObiCollider component to a cloth doesn't make any sense. ObiCollider should only be added to colliders, as the name implies. See:

Keep in mind that Obi is a particle-based engine, so cloth already has its own collision geometry: particles. No need to add colliders to it.

(02-05-2024, 05:06 AM)onfitpark Wrote: I was wondering if there's a way that two clothes collide each other so that they were well worn on the body, (not intruding each other's surface).

This should happen by default, as long as particle collision constraints are enabled in the ObiSolver component and there aren't any large gaps in between particles. You can add a ObiParticleRenderer component to the cloth to visually inspect its particles, and see if you should increase their radius in some areas.

(02-05-2024, 05:06 AM)onfitpark Wrote: Second, I reduced Collision margin value to 0.001, and I saw the clothes still intrude each other.  So is Collision margin nothing to do with collisions in my situation?

Reducing the collision margin will make matters far worse, as particles have less margin to react to nearby particles when moving which will make missed collisions more common. You should instead increase it (be careful as very large margins will have a negative performance impact).

(02-05-2024, 05:06 AM)onfitpark Wrote: *Additional question*: like a waist band of a pants in real life, is there an effect a cloth to shrink towards the body mesh?(I mean the center of an mesh, object, etc.)  

Yes, you can reduce the stretch scale parameter in the cloth's distance constraints.

(02-05-2024, 05:06 AM)onfitpark Wrote: Third, the cloth is slippery and seems like a light cloth like silk. I have look through the manual below.

If the cloth is slippery or silk-like, it is because it has zero friction when colliding with other objects. Friction is a property of collisions, not internal to the cloth itself, so you can set it in the cloth's collision material. Increasing static/dynamic friction on either the cloth or the colliders it is colliding against will make collision less slippery.

(02-05-2024, 05:06 AM)onfitpark Wrote: However, since I generated SkinnedCloth, I don't see some of the parameters. When I change the values according the manual, the outcome isn't really changed.

SkinnedCloth has more parameters than regular cloth, not less. Could you specify which parameters you're trying to find on the skinned cloth?

Messages In This Thread
RE: Question about garment onto a 3d avatar using Obi - by josemendez - 02-05-2024, 01:03 PM