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Help for fluid 7.0 beta demo scene - Printable Version

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Help for fluid 7.0 beta demo scene - khos85 - 09-06-2024

Hi, in the obi fluid 7.0 beta which I'm playing around with, I do not find this scene:
[Image: upload_2024-5-12_15-19-8-png.1413672]
Would it be possible to share that, I would like to understand how the water/foam is achieved so nicely. Thanks!

RE: Help for fluid 7.0 beta demo scene - josemendez - 09-06-2024


This is not a sample scene, it was created ad-hoc for that specific gif animation. There's nothing particularly complex about it: just a huge amount of foam particles.

You can increase the max amount of foam particles in the ObiSolver component, under the "memory budget" foldout, and then tell the fluid to create more foam particles per second by increasing the ObiFoamGenerator "foam generation rate". Note that when using many particles, reducing their size and alpha transparency helps sell the effect.

kind regards,