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Particle attachments dont...
Forum: Obi Rope
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13-02-2025, 03:09 PM
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Dynamic attachment to fix...
Forum: Obi Rope
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12-02-2025, 02:52 PM
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Changing rope lenth creat...
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11-02-2025, 08:35 PM
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Preventing fabric from vi...
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Trouble with Attachments
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RuntimeRopeGenerator basi...
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static 2nd attachment cau...
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  Actors do not render when manually rendering camera
Posted by: nickhudson4 - 09-09-2024, 09:26 PM - Forum: General - Replies (2)

Actors do not render when manually using Camera.Render() and rendering to a texture. Steps to reproduce: 

1. Create actor in scene and place camera.
2. Add RawImage to scene to show camera output
3. Disable camera component.
4. Create script

public class ObiTester : MonoBehaviour
    public Camera Camera;
    public RawImage Screen;
    public RenderTexture SourceTexture;

    private void Awake()
        SourceTexture = new RenderTexture(1920, 1080, 1);
        Camera.targetTexture = SourceTexture;
        Screen.texture = SourceTexture;
    private void Update()

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Bombilla How to Achieve Realistic Specular Reflection in PBD Particle Collisions?
Posted by: GuoliZheng - 09-09-2024, 06:44 AM - Forum: Obi Fluid - Replies (3)

Dear Developers,

I hope this message finds you well. Recently, I have been thoroughly studying the articles on PBD simulations and came across an issue related to the rebound behavior of simulated particles, which I have illustrated in some images.

In the first scenario, which reflects real-world physics, when an object collides with a flat surface, the rebound is similar to specular reflection of light. In the second scenario, within PBD, when a high Maxdepenetration value is used, the particles tend to slide along the surface after the collision. In the third scenario, with a low Maxdepenetration value, the particles are ejected perpendicularly from the surface due to the depenetration velocity limitation.

I understand that this behavior is a result of how PBD calculates velocity based on position adjustment and the previous frame’s position. My question is: how can I achieve a rebound that mimics the real-world reflection angle after a collision? Could it be possible to apply impulses to the particles, similar to how Obi rigid body impulses are applied in fluid-solid coupling, to achieve this?

In my research, achieving this type of specular reflection upon collision is crucial, rather than having only the options of surface sliding or vertical rebound. Is there a feasible way to modify the Obi code to implement this?

Thank you very much for your time and assistance!

Best regards.

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  How to handle multiple attachments (rope-rope, rope-rigidbody)?
Posted by: uatihb - 09-09-2024, 06:26 AM - Forum: Obi Rope - Replies (3)

Hi, I have a need to handle tree like rope structure with multiple rigidbody attachments and I am confused how to. The setup looks something like this:


or like this:


multiple ropes connect to other ropes and rigidbodies. Obviously I have a mess with collisions. I tried to solve collision problems with categories, but I am confused a bit. Seems like I can't set different categories per group? Changing 1 group category, changes for the whole rope. So seems that I can't ignore collisions between attached groups, but collide with the rest of the rope? Seems that rigidbodies kind of work if I set the rigid body to collide with everything, and the rope group to ignore the rigid body (collision mask does work per particle group), but this trick does not work for rope to rope. Is there a way to solve this?

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  Tree with Obi Bone --> putting leaves as child of the main branch
Posted by: danik9 - 07-09-2024, 10:48 AM - Forum: Obi Rope - Replies (2)

This component will create a particle for every bone down its hierarchy in a recursive fashion -starting from the bone transform it has been added to, which will be referred to as its [b]root bone[/b]-, and rig them up using constraints. The bone that's furthest away from the root bone (measuring distances from each bone to the next) is known as the [b]tip bone[/b].


I'm experimenting with making a tree with obi bones. I want to put leaves as childs of some of the middle branches or main trunk, but they end up also 'rigged' as obi bones. I only want them as something visual.

Is there a way to 'tell' obi bone to not take some specific childs of the hierarchy and not rig them /ignore them?

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  How to handle terrain holes?
Posted by: btduser - 04-09-2024, 04:55 PM - Forum: Obi Rope - Replies (7)

Hi, I'm wondering if there is a way to get obi rope to work with terrain holes. I can't find any mention of it except one other forum post that alluded to support being planned for 2022. If there is still no support, is there any kind of workaround besides disabling the entire obi collider on the terrain?

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  Selecting the particles inside of a sphere.
Posted by: SuikaSukiyo - 02-09-2024, 03:19 PM - Forum: Obi Softbody - Replies (3)

What is an easy way to select the particles in the center of a sphere when creating a particle group?

There is the method of removing layers by optimizing but is there a better way? 
Something like being able to specify a position to expand a selection from.

If I am missing some major tools for the particle group selector, I would greatly appreciate any directions.

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  Cloth Collision with Shuriken Particles
Posted by: vrtraining - 02-09-2024, 09:45 AM - Forum: Obi Cloth - Replies (1)

First i noticed a small mistake in example for Scripting Collisions in Online Documentation for Version 7. The class ObiCollisionEventArgs no longer exists, you might want to update it. I checked the signature of method and it ObiNativeContactList, so I fixed the example.

I want to ask that Im using Unity particle system and I want them to be destroyed by Obi Cloth or atleast they should not cross dynamic moving Obi Cloth. Particle System of Unity has its own collision and trigger module and it can destroy its own particles if it comes with in contact with a specific trigger or collider layer that we mention in its parameter. The problem is collision on Obi Cloth is very different, it does not use Unity Colliders or Layers. Is there anyway?

Like a complex option would I create a trigger collider and move it along with cloth particles but that would be unrealistic.

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  Softbodies intersecting easily
Posted by: MattS - 01-09-2024, 09:09 PM - Forum: Obi Softbody - Replies (6)

Hi Jose,

I'm finding that softbodies intersect and get stuck inside each other incredibly easily. In the video example, I have pretty much a standard ball from the ball pool scene and a larger hemisphere softbody. When I jump the ball onto the hemisphere, with very little forces involved other than gravity, the ball gets stuck in the larger object and sucked in.

I've tried enabling surface collisions but that makes it get stuck much quicker (and disables collisions with the static ground for some reason). I'm on Obi 6 still, I've not been able to get Obi 7 working yet.

Should softbody-softbody collisions be this unstable, or is there something I can do to improve them?

Video link:



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  Rope Moves across objects Issues
Posted by: Barax94 - 30-08-2024, 01:24 PM - Forum: Obi Rope - Replies (3)

Can you please help With below issues & desired behavior:

Video Link

Overview of what Im trying to acheieve

I have a rope with two control points: 

  • Start, is freezed on roation and postion
  • End, this attchment will be moved using XR-Grab and it is freezed on rotation-xyz and only moves on X & Y.
  • Currentlly both Attached Dynamic
What I need:
  • this rope to be smooth and NOT jittery as in the video-link andfor that i used settings in images below
  • This rope should collide with those cylender and not slide on them, here i tried to use [ High-Friction ]
  • Rope should either stretch or increase in length in smooth/good way, while im moving it using XR-Grab  (Giving that Start atttchments is freezed-xyz). Also the initial length of rope should be normal not too long as shown in the picture below, only when i move its End-Control-Point then it should sterch or increas legnth
Issues Im facing Overall:
  • OBI Particles Renderer not showing not showing particles, attached is settings used
  • As you can see in Video-Link,,, rope is bouncy, jittery & Rigid mainly when it touches those objects
  • When moving one end  of the rope. The ends becomes not perfectly alined with the attachments. Gab is seen
  • Rope is not colliding very well (OBI colliders and filter are set alreaddy). And it snaps

Note* Im not using code currently . Mainly im using the OBI rope. componenets configs 

I Know im asking alot but,  can you give/share me the best setting for (The solver, rope & attchments) to solve those issues or is if it's (allowed/possible) to have a Breief Technical Session to achieve that 

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
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Exclamación Obi Fluid 7 Transparent Fluid has no color
Posted by: steelroach - 30-08-2024, 12:01 PM - Forum: Obi Fluid - Replies (12)

I installed the latest Obi Fluid (7.0.1) on Unity 2022.3.27f1.

It seems like transparent fluids has all just water-like color and not changing at all. You can see an example below


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