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Full Version: ObiCloth 6.3: compile error with Unity Collections 1.1.0
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I just updated to ObiCloth 6.3, and I'm getting a compile error:

error CS8377: The type 'T' must be a non-nullable value type, along with all fields
at any level of nesting, in order to use it as parameter 'T' in the generic type or
method 'NativeList<T>'

I'm using version 1.1.0 of Unity's Collections package (which was just released yesterday, so I assume the type signature probably changed).

Changing the type constraint of RemoveRangeBurst<T> to "unmanaged" (from "struct") fixes the compile error:

public static unsafe void RemoveRangeBurst<T>(this NativeList<T> list, int index, int count)
    where T : unmanaged
    { ... }
Hi Tim,

Thanks a lot for reporting this one, the 1.1.0 update caught me totally off-guard.

I've published the fix to the store.