Obi  6.4
Unified particle physics for Unity
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Obi.ObiBone Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for Obi.ObiBone:
Obi.ObiActor Obi.IStretchShearConstraintsUser Obi.IBendTwistConstraintsUser Obi.ISkinConstraintsUser Obi.IObiParticleCollection


class  BonePropertyCurve
class  IgnoredBone

Public Member Functions

void UpdateBlueprint ()
override void LoadBlueprint (ObiSolver solver)
 Loads this actor's blueprint into a given solver. Automatically called by ObiSolver. More...
override void UnloadBlueprint (ObiSolver solver)
 Unloads this actor's blueprint from a given solver. Automatically called by ObiSolver. More...
void UpdateRadius ()
void UpdateMasses ()
Vector3 GetSkinRadiiBackstop (ObiSkinConstraintsBatch batch, int constraintIndex)
float GetSkinCompliance (ObiSkinConstraintsBatch batch, int constraintIndex)
Vector3 GetBendTwistCompliance (ObiBendTwistConstraintsBatch batch, int constraintIndex)
Vector2 GetBendTwistPlasticity (ObiBendTwistConstraintsBatch batch, int constraintIndex)
Vector3 GetStretchShearCompliance (ObiStretchShearConstraintsBatch batch, int constraintIndex)
override void BeginStep (float stepTime)
override void PrepareFrame ()
override void Interpolate ()
void ResetToCurrentShape ()
 Resets particle orientations/positions to match the current pose of the bone hierarchy, and sets all their velocities to zero. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Obi.ObiActor
delegate void ActorCallback (ObiActor actor)
delegate void ActorStepCallback (ObiActor actor, float stepTime)
delegate void ActorBlueprintCallback (ObiActor actor, ObiActorBlueprint blueprint)
void AddToSolver ()
 Adds this actor to its solver, if any. Automatically called by ObiSolver. More...
void RemoveFromSolver ()
 Remove this actor from its solver, if any. Automatically called by ObiSolver. More...
virtual bool CopyParticle (int actorSourceIndex, int actorDestIndex)
 Copies all data (position, velocity, phase, etc) from one particle to another one. More...
void TeleportParticle (int actorIndex, Vector3 position)
 Teleports one actor particle to a certain position in solver space. More...
virtual void Teleport (Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation)
 Teleports the entire actor to a new location / orientation. More...
bool ActivateParticle (int actorIndex)
 Activates one particle. More...
bool DeactivateParticle (int actorIndex)
 Deactivates one particle. More...
bool IsParticleActive (int actorIndex)
 Returns whether a given particle is active. More...
virtual void SetSelfCollisions (bool selfCollisions)
 Updates particle phases in the solver at runtime, including or removing the self-collision flag. More...
virtual void SetOneSided (bool oneSided)
 Updates particle phases in the solver at runtime, including or removing the one-sided flag. More...
void SetSimplicesDirty ()
 Marks simplices dirty. More...
void SetConstraintsDirty (Oni.ConstraintType constraintType)
 Marks a given constraint type as dirty. More...
IObiConstraints GetConstraintsByType (Oni.ConstraintType type)
 Returns the data representation of constraints of a given type being simulated by this solver. More...
virtual void UpdateParticleProperties ()
 Call when some particle properties have been modified and need updating. More...
int GetParticleRuntimeIndex (int actorIndex)
 Returns the index of this particle in the solver arrays. More...
Vector3 GetParticlePosition (int solverIndex)
 Given a solver particle index, returns the position of that particle in world space. More...
Quaternion GetParticleOrientation (int solverIndex)
 Given a solver particle index, returns the orientation of that particle in world space. More...
void GetParticleAnisotropy (int solverIndex, ref Vector4 b1, ref Vector4 b2, ref Vector4 b3)
 Given a solver particle index, returns the anisotropic frame of that particle in world space. More...
float GetParticleMaxRadius (int solverIndex)
 Given a solver particle index, returns the maximum world space radius of that particle, in any axis. More...
Color GetParticleColor (int solverIndex)
 Given a solver particle index, returns the color of that particle. More...
void SetFilterCategory (int newCategory)
 Sets a given category value for all particles in the actor. More...
void SetFilterMask (int newMask)
 Sets a given mask value for all particles in the actor. More...
void SetMass (float mass)
 Sets the inverse mass of each particle so that the total actor mass matches the one passed by parameter. More...
float GetMass (out Vector3 com)
 Returns the actor's mass (sum of all particle masses), and the position of its center of mass. More...
void AddForce (Vector3 force, ForceMode forceMode)
 Adds an external force to all particles in the actor. More...
void AddTorque (Vector3 force, ForceMode forceMode)
 Adds a torque to the actor. More...
void ResetParticles ()
 Resets the position and velocity of all particles, to the values stored in the blueprint. More...
void SaveStateToBlueprint (ObiActorBlueprint bp)
 Resets the position and velocity of all particles, to the values stored in the blueprint. More...
void ClearState ()
virtual void PrepareStep (float stepTime)
virtual void Substep (float substepTime)
virtual void EndStep (float substepTime)
virtual void OnSolverVisibilityChanged (bool visible)

Public Attributes

bool fixRoot = true
bool stretchBones = true
List< IgnoredBoneignored = new List<IgnoredBone>()
- Public Attributes inherited from Obi.ObiActor
int[] solverIndices
 Index of each one of the actor's particles in the solver. More...
List< int >[] solverBatchOffsets
 For each of the actor's constraint types, offset of every batch in the solver. More...

Protected Member Functions

override void Awake ()
override void OnDestroy ()
override void OnValidate ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Obi.ObiActor
virtual void OnEnable ()
virtual void OnDisable ()
void SetSolver (ObiSolver newSolver)
 Forcibly changed the solver in charge of this actor More...
virtual void OnBlueprintRegenerate (ObiActorBlueprint blueprint)
void UpdateCollisionMaterials ()
virtual void SwapWithFirstInactiveParticle (int actorIndex)
void StoreState ()

Protected Attributes

ObiBoneBlueprint m_BoneBlueprint
bool m_SelfCollisions = false
BonePropertyCurve _radius = new BonePropertyCurve(0.1f,1)
BonePropertyCurve _mass = new BonePropertyCurve(0.1f,1)
BonePropertyCurve _rotationalMass = new BonePropertyCurve(0.1f,1)
bool _skinConstraintsEnabled = true
BonePropertyCurve _skinCompliance = new BonePropertyCurve(0.01f, 1)
BonePropertyCurve _skinRadius = new BonePropertyCurve(0.1f, 1)
bool _stretchShearConstraintsEnabled = true
BonePropertyCurve _stretchCompliance = new BonePropertyCurve(0, 1)
BonePropertyCurve _shear1Compliance = new BonePropertyCurve(0, 1)
BonePropertyCurve _shear2Compliance = new BonePropertyCurve(0, 1)
bool _bendTwistConstraintsEnabled = true
BonePropertyCurve _torsionCompliance = new BonePropertyCurve(0, 1)
BonePropertyCurve _bend1Compliance = new BonePropertyCurve(0, 1)
BonePropertyCurve _bend2Compliance = new BonePropertyCurve(0, 1)
BonePropertyCurve _plasticYield = new BonePropertyCurve(0, 1)
BonePropertyCurve _plasticCreep = new BonePropertyCurve(0, 1)
- Protected Attributes inherited from Obi.ObiActor
int m_ActiveParticleCount = 0
ObiSolver m_Solver
bool m_Loaded = false
ObiCollisionMaterial m_CollisionMaterial
bool m_SurfaceCollisions = false


int Filter [get, set]
 Collision filter value used by fluid particles. More...
bool selfCollisions [get, set]
 Whether particles in this actor colide with particles using the same phase value. More...
BonePropertyCurve radius [get, set]
 Particle radius distribution over this bone hierarchy length. More...
BonePropertyCurve mass [get, set]
 Mass distribution over this bone hierarchy length. More...
BonePropertyCurve rotationalMass [get, set]
 Rotational mass distribution over this bone hierarchy length. More...
bool skinConstraintsEnabled [get, set]
 Whether this actor's skin constraints are enabled. More...
BonePropertyCurve skinCompliance [get, set]
 Compliance of this actor's skin constraints. More...
BonePropertyCurve skinRadius [get, set]
 Compliance of this actor's skin radius More...
bool stretchShearConstraintsEnabled [get, set]
 Whether this actor's stretch/shear constraints are enabled. More...
BonePropertyCurve stretchCompliance [get, set]
 Compliance of this actor's stretch/shear constraints, along their length. More...
BonePropertyCurve shear1Compliance [get, set]
 Shearing compliance of this actor's stretch/shear constraints, along the first axis orthogonal to their length. More...
BonePropertyCurve shear2Compliance [get, set]
 Shearing compliance of this actor's stretch/shear constraints, along the second axis orthogonal to their length. More...
bool bendTwistConstraintsEnabled [get, set]
 Whether this actor's bend/twist constraints are enabled. More...
BonePropertyCurve torsionCompliance [get, set]
 Torsional compliance of this actor's bend/twist constraints along their length. More...
BonePropertyCurve bend1Compliance [get, set]
 Bending compliance of this actor's bend/twist constraints along the first axis orthogonal to their length. More...
BonePropertyCurve bend2Compliance [get, set]
 Bending compliance of this actor's bend/twist constraints along the second axis orthogonal to their length. More...
BonePropertyCurve plasticYield [get, set]
 Threshold for plastic behavior. More...
BonePropertyCurve plasticCreep [get, set]
 Percentage of deformation that gets absorbed into the rest shape per second, once deformation goes above the plasticYield threshold. More...
override ObiActorBlueprint sourceBlueprint [get]
ObiBoneBlueprint boneBlueprint [get, set]
- Properties inherited from Obi.ObiActor
ObiSolver solver [get]
 The solver in charge of simulating this actor. More...
bool isLoaded [get]
 True if the actor blueprint has been loaded into a solver. If true, it guarantees actor.solver, actor.solverIndices and actor.solverBatchOffsets won't be null. More...
ObiCollisionMaterial collisionMaterial [get, set]
 The collision material being used by this actor. More...
virtual bool surfaceCollisions [get, set]
 Whether to use simplices (triangles, edges) for contact generation. More...
int particleCount [get]
 Amount of particles allocated by this actor. More...
int activeParticleCount [get]
 Amount of particles in use by this actor. More...
bool usesOrientedParticles [get]
 Whether this actors makes use of particle orientations or not. More...
virtual bool usesAnisotropicParticles [get]
 If true, it means particles may not be completely spherical, but ellipsoidal. More...
virtual bool usesCustomExternalForces [get]
 If true, it means external forces aren't applied to the particles directly. More...
Matrix4x4 actorLocalToSolverMatrix [get]
 Matrix that transforms from the actor's local space to the solver's local space. More...
Matrix4x4 actorSolverToLocalMatrix [get]
 Matrix that transforms from the solver's local space to the actor's local space. More...
abstract ObiActorBlueprint sourceBlueprint [get]
 Reference to the blueprint asset used by this actor. More...
ObiActorBlueprint sharedBlueprint [get]
 Reference to the blueprint in use by this actor. More...
ObiActorBlueprint blueprint [get]
 Returns a unique instance of this actor's sourceBlueprint. More...
- Properties inherited from Obi.IObiParticleCollection
int particleCount [get]
int activeParticleCount [get]
bool usesOrientedParticles [get]
- Properties inherited from Obi.IStretchShearConstraintsUser
bool stretchShearConstraintsEnabled [get, set]
- Properties inherited from Obi.IBendTwistConstraintsUser
bool bendTwistConstraintsEnabled [get, set]
- Properties inherited from Obi.ISkinConstraintsUser
bool skinConstraintsEnabled [get, set]

Additional Inherited Members

- Events inherited from Obi.ObiActor
ActorBlueprintCallback OnBlueprintLoaded
 Called when the actor blueprint has been loaded into the solver. More...
ActorBlueprintCallback OnBlueprintUnloaded
 Called when the actor blueprint has been unloaded from the solver. More...
ActorCallback OnPrepareFrame
 Called at the start of the solver's FixedUpdate (for Fixed and LateFixed updaters) or the solver's Update (for Late updaters) More...
ActorStepCallback OnPrepareStep
 Called at the beginning of a time step, before dirty constraints and active particles have been updated. More...
ActorStepCallback OnBeginStep
 Called at the beginning of a time step, after dirty constraints and active particles have been updated. More...
ActorStepCallback OnSubstep
 Called at the beginning of each substep. More...
ActorStepCallback OnEndStep
 Called at the end of a timestep, after external forces have been reset and collision callbacks called. More...
ActorCallback OnInterpolate
 Called at the end of each frame. More...

Member Function Documentation

override void Obi.ObiBone.LoadBlueprint ( ObiSolver  solver)

Loads this actor's blueprint into a given solver. Automatically called by ObiSolver.

Reimplemented from Obi.ObiActor.

void Obi.ObiBone.ResetToCurrentShape ( )

Resets particle orientations/positions to match the current pose of the bone hierarchy, and sets all their velocities to zero.

override void Obi.ObiBone.UnloadBlueprint ( ObiSolver  solver)

Unloads this actor's blueprint from a given solver. Automatically called by ObiSolver.

Reimplemented from Obi.ObiActor.

Property Documentation

BonePropertyCurve Obi.ObiBone.bend1Compliance

Bending compliance of this actor's bend/twist constraints along the first axis orthogonal to their length.

BonePropertyCurve Obi.ObiBone.bend2Compliance

Bending compliance of this actor's bend/twist constraints along the second axis orthogonal to their length.

bool Obi.ObiBone.bendTwistConstraintsEnabled

Whether this actor's bend/twist constraints are enabled.

int Obi.ObiBone.Filter

Collision filter value used by fluid particles.

BonePropertyCurve Obi.ObiBone.mass

Mass distribution over this bone hierarchy length.

BonePropertyCurve Obi.ObiBone.plasticCreep

Percentage of deformation that gets absorbed into the rest shape per second, once deformation goes above the plasticYield threshold.

BonePropertyCurve Obi.ObiBone.plasticYield

Threshold for plastic behavior.

Once bending goes above this value, a percentage of the deformation (determined by plasticCreep) will be permanently absorbed into the rod's rest shape.

BonePropertyCurve Obi.ObiBone.radius

Particle radius distribution over this bone hierarchy length.

BonePropertyCurve Obi.ObiBone.rotationalMass

Rotational mass distribution over this bone hierarchy length.

bool Obi.ObiBone.selfCollisions

Whether particles in this actor colide with particles using the same phase value.

BonePropertyCurve Obi.ObiBone.shear1Compliance

Shearing compliance of this actor's stretch/shear constraints, along the first axis orthogonal to their length.

BonePropertyCurve Obi.ObiBone.shear2Compliance

Shearing compliance of this actor's stretch/shear constraints, along the second axis orthogonal to their length.

BonePropertyCurve Obi.ObiBone.skinCompliance

Compliance of this actor's skin constraints.

bool Obi.ObiBone.skinConstraintsEnabled

Whether this actor's skin constraints are enabled.

BonePropertyCurve Obi.ObiBone.skinRadius

Compliance of this actor's skin radius

BonePropertyCurve Obi.ObiBone.stretchCompliance

Compliance of this actor's stretch/shear constraints, along their length.

bool Obi.ObiBone.stretchShearConstraintsEnabled

Whether this actor's stretch/shear constraints are enabled.

BonePropertyCurve Obi.ObiBone.torsionCompliance

Torsional compliance of this actor's bend/twist constraints along their length.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: