Obi  6.4
Unified particle physics for Unity
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Obi.HalfEdgeMesh Class Reference


struct  Face
struct  HalfEdge
struct  Vertex

Public Member Functions

 HalfEdgeMesh (HalfEdgeMesh halfEdge)
void Generate ()
void SwapVertices (int index1, int index2)
int GetHalfEdgeStartVertex (HalfEdge edge)
float GetFaceArea (Face face)
IEnumerable< VertexGetNeighbourVerticesEnumerator (Vertex vertex)
IEnumerable< HalfEdgeGetNeighbourEdgesEnumerator (Vertex vertex)
IEnumerable< FaceGetNeighbourFacesEnumerator (Vertex vertex)
List< int > GetEdgeList ()
bool IsSplit (int halfEdgeIndex)

Public Attributes

Mesh inputMesh
Vector3 scale =
bool containsData = false
List< Vertexvertices = new List<Vertex>()
List< HalfEdgehalfEdges = new List<HalfEdge>()
List< HalfEdgeborderEdges = new List<HalfEdge>()
List< Facefaces = new List<Face>()
List< Vector3 > restNormals = new List<Vector3>()
List< Quaternion > restOrientations = new List<Quaternion>()
List< int > rawToWelded = new List<int>()


bool ContainsData [get]
bool closed [get]
float area [get]
float volume [get]

Member Function Documentation

List<int> Obi.HalfEdgeMesh.GetEdgeList ( )

Calculates and returns a list of all edges (note: not half-edges, but regular edges) in the mesh. Each edge is represented as the index of the first half-edge in the list that is part of the edge. This is O(2N) in both time and space, with N = number of edges.

bool Obi.HalfEdgeMesh.IsSplit ( int  halfEdgeIndex)

Returns true if the edge has been split in a vertex split operation. (as a result of tearing)

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