Cloth Tearing

The ObiTearableCloth component is very similar to a regular ObiCloth, however it can be dynamically torn. Due to its destructibility, a couple limitations apply when compared to a regular ObiCloth:

  • Does not support tether constraints.
  • Does not support skinned meshes

Tear capacity

Percentage of initial particles that can be torn. A value of 0 means no extra particles will be allocated on initialization, a value of 1 means enough particles will be allocated to ensure all triangles in the cloth can be torn.

Tear Resistance Multiplier

How much force must be applied to the cloth before it tears. This is expressed in Newtons. Note: this value is modulated by the per-particle "tear resistance" property.

Tear debilitation

Multiplies the tear factor of all edges incident to a torn particle. High values increase the formation of coherent tear paths. Values between 0.2 and 0.6 tend to give the most realistic result.

From left to right: high tear resistance multiplier, low tear resistance multiplier.