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Help  Proxies with SkinnedMeshRenderers

The documentation for cloth proxies says that they should be usable with either skinned cloths or normal cloths, however from looking at the code it seems like it's being driven from the MeshFilter component, which isn't a requirement of the SkinnedMeshRenderer.

is there an alternative?

Edit: Additionally, this cloth solution doesn't have a clear way of how to manage LODGroups. The results seem to be that any cloth will always be visible, breaking the lodgroup
(27-06-2024, 03:28 PM)grigler Wrote: Hey,

The documentation for cloth proxies says that they should be usable with either skinned cloths or normal cloths, however from looking at the code it seems like it's being driven from the MeshFilter component, which isn't a requirement of the SkinnedMeshRenderer.

is there an alternative?

Edit: Additionally, this cloth solution doesn't have a clear way of how to manage LODGroups. The results seem to be that any cloth will always be visible, breaking the lodgroup


You can’t use a proxy on skinned cloth if the proxy is also skinned.

We have lifted this limitation in Obi 7, in fact proxies have been built into the blueprint authoring pipeline and automatic decimation has been added, so you can use any mesh to build the cloth and any mesh for rendering. You can even generate a low-res cloth mesh from a high-res mesh automatically. Obi 7 has been in beta for a year and there’s a release candidate now, write to support(at) and we’ll send you a link to it.

Regarding LODs, not sure what you mean: they work the same as with any other object: you create multiple cloth actors to be swapped by the LOD system.
I appreciate the quick response, thanks for clarifying on the proxies - I'm not sure if this section of the doc (highlighted) is a little misleading or perhaps just not very clear in that case.

[Image: 27_17-40-DisgustingMaiasaura.png]

Thanks for the info on obi 7 as well, I'll reach out.

Don't worry about the LOD issues for now, I'm not confident my setup is actually correct at this stage.