I am writing to ask for help. I have been working on a project using Obi softbody for over three months now. It used to simulate the flexing of a pregnant woman's body under the pressure of the usg head.
Previously a test model of a woman, being only a torso, generated to blueprint without much problem. It usually took about 5/10 seconds.
Since the graphic designer generated the new, final model, the torso object completely refuses to work with the plugin. Blueprint generates instantly, as if it skips the object completely. Additionally, the particle model consists of large, dense and disproportionate particles with normal ones facing one way. (I checked and the normal of the model is correct). Applying and running an object with this blueprint ends up with a completely distorted mesh.
My question is: Am I doing something wrong or is it the fault of the model? If you know the answer then please give suggestions in the comments. My graphic designer doesn't know anything about coding and I don't know anything about modelling and for over 3 days we have been trying various tricks to make the new model work like the old one, to no result.
I added some screenshots below
Thanks in advice for any help.
EDIT. I couldn't add all screenshoots so I posted them there:

I am writing to ask for help. I have been working on a project using Obi softbody for over three months now. It used to simulate the flexing of a pregnant woman's body under the pressure of the usg head.
Previously a test model of a woman, being only a torso, generated to blueprint without much problem. It usually took about 5/10 seconds.
Since the graphic designer generated the new, final model, the torso object completely refuses to work with the plugin. Blueprint generates instantly, as if it skips the object completely. Additionally, the particle model consists of large, dense and disproportionate particles with normal ones facing one way. (I checked and the normal of the model is correct). Applying and running an object with this blueprint ends up with a completely distorted mesh.
My question is: Am I doing something wrong or is it the fault of the model? If you know the answer then please give suggestions in the comments. My graphic designer doesn't know anything about coding and I don't know anything about modelling and for over 3 days we have been trying various tricks to make the new model work like the old one, to no result.
I added some screenshots below

Thanks in advice for any help.
EDIT. I couldn't add all screenshoots so I posted them there: