21-10-2019, 11:51 AM
I might have misunderstood the documentation, but what I essentially want to do is get the world position of two particles on the rope and align a sprite transform with it.
It seems like the positions in the ObiSolver's renderablePositions-array and the positions I get back from ObiRope.GetParticlePosition() don't match the one's used to render the rope mesh.
Is this expected behaviour and is there something I can do to get a precise world position on the rope curve at runtime?
Thanks and let me know if I need to clarify my issue more!
I might have misunderstood the documentation, but what I essentially want to do is get the world position of two particles on the rope and align a sprite transform with it.
It seems like the positions in the ObiSolver's renderablePositions-array and the positions I get back from ObiRope.GetParticlePosition() don't match the one's used to render the rope mesh.
Is this expected behaviour and is there something I can do to get a precise world position on the rope curve at runtime?
Thanks and let me know if I need to clarify my issue more!