(23-08-2019, 09:49 AM)josemendez Wrote: Hi,
There's clearly some other external force acting, or a side-effect taking place, but if the solver's gravity is set to 0, then no gravity can act upon the rope.
May I see your solver settings?
Hi, sorry for the looong reply, as we tried a different approach in the meantime.
the easiest repro is to take the RopeGrapplingHook scene from examples.
add solver.parameters.gravity = Vector3.zero; to the solver init. eg line 66
the set gravity off from the capsule rb.
add obi rigidboody to a cube eg 4. disable gravity on it
hit play.
everything floats, great! until u attach the rope, gravity gets applied

even if project setting gravity is zero, it still applies gravity.
and when both capsule and cube hit the floor, i jump up, it seems even only the rope pulls me down
thank you for your help!