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Softbody merging/phasing into each other
(27-04-2022, 05:34 PM)martinlzl Wrote: Hi all, I'm still relatively new to Obi's assets. I have two soft bodies spawning at the same point with a second delay apart. When the second soft body collides into the first, sometimes they completely ignore each other and phase through, other times they collide and some points might unnaturally merge and stick to each other. I notice sometimes it's due to their angle of contact.

Not sure which variable can I play around to prevent this from happening, from ObiSolver to SoftBody Blueprints. I would like to simulate collision between all assetsĀ as realistic as possible. Any ideas?

Hi Martin,

Chances are that the particle representation of your softbodies has gaps large enough for other particles to pass trough. Adding a ObiParticleRenderer component to both softbodies will allow you to visually debug this.

You can fix this by increasing particle radius (in the blueprint editor) and/or increasing the amount of collision constraint iterations in your solver (which increases collision "importance" when solving). The manual contains an in-depth explanation of how the solver works internally and how iterations/substeps affect the outcome:

kind regards,

Messages In This Thread
RE: Softbody merging/phasing into each other - by josemendez - 28-04-2022, 07:52 AM