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Help  Pulling Rigidbodies with bigger mass

I recently updated an old project and I see that there are some changes to the asset, and I can not recreate the old obi rope behavior that I had before. Unfortunately I could not find a solution in documentation, sorry if I missed it. Basically what I need is to use the rope to pull heavier objects. Kind of similar to crane example, but lets say if I need to pull Rigid body that has a mass of say 2000-4000. Right now if I try to pull a heavy Rigid body by changing rope length, the rope does not generate any pull. In the older Obi version I was able to set it up, but I don't remember exactly what I did, or did Obi rope had a much different behavior out of the box?

Messages In This Thread
Pulling Rigidbodies with bigger mass - by Eddy13 - 11-02-2021, 02:15 PM