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Help  Update "lag" between cloth and particle attachment target
(17-12-2019, 04:19 PM)cberinger Wrote: Dear Obi Team,

I made a flag which can be picked up with a handle in VR.
hierarchy is as follows:

- cloth

The handle is connected via particle attachment to the cloth.
When moving the handle in VR (grabbed) then the cloth lags behing.

I read other postings concerning lag but they were related to Pin constraints.
Solver interpolation is disabled.
I tried some of the Obi Updater Components but was not successful...

How can i minimise this lag, oder even prevent it? It really kills the immersion :-(


Make sure your move the handle before simulation kicks in each frame. Most of the time(*) this means doing it in FixedUpdate(), before the solver starts. If you don't you'll experience a 1-frame delay.

(*)Depends on what updater you're using, or if you're manually updating the solver, where you're doing so. Most commonly you'd use a ObiFixedUpdater(). So, you'd want to move your handle in FixedUpdate, before the updater does its thing. Easiest way is to subscribe to the solver.OnBeginStep event.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Update "lag" between cloth and particle attachment target - by josemendez - 17-12-2019, 04:25 PM