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Help  Invisible in Mac build? (visible in Windows build and editor for both)
(18-04-2021, 11:58 PM)bribri_ Wrote: -MacBook Pro, they say they think it's the 2016 one
-tried with both Metal and OpenGL Core as the Graphics API for Mac, and it was invisible for both.
-Unity version 2020.3.2f1
-tried with both Oni and Burst, and it was still invisible in the Mac build for both.
-using the built-in render pipeline

Thank you for the help!

Fluid rendering requires depth and floating point texture support, but a MacBook (even older models) should have these. Just tested on a mid-2013 Mac book Air and it works fine.

You mentioned that in the Mac version of the Unity editor it works fine, it's just the standalone build that doesn't, right? Can you send the player logs or even a full standalone build to support(at) thanks!

Messages In This Thread
RE: Invisible in Mac build? (visible in Windows build and editor for both) - by josemendez - 19-04-2021, 07:41 AM