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It's just a phase, mom!
(24-03-2021, 08:54 PM)the-lander Wrote: Thank you. I'm writing to inform you tat the situation has improved, though I'm experiencing new issues:

- As I'm working on a mobile game I want to keep amount of particles at minimum. That's why I'm using a big spherical particles. Flat particles are working strange with some of them sticking at weird angles and my Players looks like limping. The problem with bigger particles is that now the sphere is not touching the floor. On your site I saw you've dealt with the similar issue for a cloth so now I'm searching this information. If there's no way to decrease the outer thickness of the Player without getting back the old issue I might just end up starting performance tests to determine how many particles are ok for an average mobile. 

If you want to increase particle thickness without introducing a "gap" between the player's surface and colliders (due to the larger particle radius), there's several ways to go about it: one is increasing shape smoothing in the blueprint, this will iteratively move particles to the average position of their neighbors. On most shapes, this has the effect of "shrinking" particle positions, making them sink into the surface of the mesh. Following this idea, another solution is to use different meshes for generating the blueprint and the skin: just use a smaller mesh to generate particles, then skin a bigger one around the resulting particles.

Another possible solution is compensate for the extra thickness by reducing all collider's thickness. However this is quite cumbersome and doesn't work well unless all the actors in your scene have roughly the same particle radius.

Can build examples of all three approaches if you wish.

(24-03-2021, 08:54 PM)the-lander Wrote: - Another issue is that sometimes I generate a blueprint, bind the skin and after I run the game the object falls flat and looks like a spiked puddle. Tried creating new blueprint and reassigning and binding it but nothing helps. It looks like there's some kind of cache stored and only Unity restart helps. Or there's an error in the Obi code. Or an error in my DNA code, I don't know. I just might be tired after working on my company's game and then working on my own game. I'll sure post a video of this bug once our paths cross again.

Thank you for your support again )

Sounds like:

- not large enough soft cluster radius, so some particles are not included in any shape matching cluster. (warned about in the manual: If parts of your softbody are detaching from it at runtime, it means your cluster network is fragmented. Use a larger soft cluster radius to ensure all clusters overlap with each other.)
- Forgot to re-bind the ObiSoftbodySkinner. Anytime the amount/position of particles in the softbody blueprint changes, you should re-bind the skin.

Either of these, or both at once can result in spiky puddles. Could be another reason ofc, but off the top of my head these are the best candidates Sonrisa

Messages In This Thread
It's just a phase, mom! - by the-lander - 21-03-2021, 02:44 PM
RE: It's just a phase, mom! - by josemendez - 22-03-2021, 10:35 AM
RE: It's just a phase, mom! - by the-lander - 22-03-2021, 12:01 PM
RE: It's just a phase, mom! - by josemendez - 23-03-2021, 09:16 AM
RE: It's just a phase, mom! - by the-lander - 24-03-2021, 08:54 PM
RE: It's just a phase, mom! - by josemendez - 25-03-2021, 08:37 AM
RE: It's just a phase, mom! - by the-lander - 26-03-2021, 08:50 PM