14-09-2020, 08:06 AM
(This post was last modified: 14-09-2020, 01:03 PM by josemendez.)
Hi Havie,
The second tutorial you link to is for Obi 4.1, as stated in the video title. 5.X underwent a large revamp in workflow, API, and interface.
The official manual can be found here: http://obi.virtualmethodstudio.com/tutorials/index.html
It describes in detail what types of blueprints are, how to set them up, as well as all solver parameters, etc. I'd recommend starting by reading these:
http://obi.virtualmethodstudio.com/tutor...cture.html <--- regarding Obi's overall architectural design
http://obi.virtualmethodstudio.com/tutor...olver.html <--- regarding ObiSolver, the component in charge of performing the actual simulation.
http://obi.virtualmethodstudio.com/tutor...gence.html <--- regarding how the simulation is performed.
http://obi.virtualmethodstudio.com/tutor...setup.html <--- regarding ObiSoftbody blueprints and softbody setup.
http://obi.virtualmethodstudio.com/tutor...aints.html <--- regarding shape matching constraints.
http://obi.virtualmethodstudio.com/tutor...inner.html <--- regarding ObiSoftbodySkinner.
Obi is a really large and complex system, aimed at advanced users. It assumes you're pretty comfortable with basic 3D and physics concepts such as vector spaces, triangle mesh structure, mass, forces, torques, timestep, etc, so what these are is not explained in detail. If you're starting out with 3D or physics it will take some time to get up and running.
No wonder it looks bad, the built-in cylinder mesh in Unity has no subdivisions along its length. So it won't be able to bend or deform in any meaningful way, as you can't bend a single triangle:
Looks like your constraints have quite high plasticity. That, or the skinner is not correctly bound to the softbody. You might want to click the "bind skin" button in the ObiSoftbodySkinner, as warned in the manual:
You can add a ObiParticleRenderer component to the softbody to visualize and debug the underlying particles. (see http://obi.virtualmethodstudio.com/tutor...ering.html)
Increase the amount of shape matching constraint iterations (found in the solver's constraints foldout) and/or reduce the physics timestep. A quick way to do this is to use more updater substeps. The effect of iterations/substeps on the resulting simulation is discussed in great detail here: http://obi.virtualmethodstudio.com/tutor...gence.html
Note this applies to all iterative physics engines, so the same can be done with Unity, Havok, etc.
You can't filter out which objects deform the softbody, as deformation happens purely due to strain (as a result of forces being applied to it), not due to contact with a particular body: If you hit the trashcan with a ball, depending on their relative mass the trashcan will deform a lot or not deform at all. But if there's a wall/ground that the ball can press the trashcan against, the trashcan will noticeably deform even if the ball is relatively light.
Make sure you don't have multiple inspector tabs open, the blueprint editor currently does not support multiple editor inspector instances.
The second tutorial you link to is for Obi 4.1, as stated in the video title. 5.X underwent a large revamp in workflow, API, and interface.
The official manual can be found here: http://obi.virtualmethodstudio.com/tutorials/index.html
It describes in detail what types of blueprints are, how to set them up, as well as all solver parameters, etc. I'd recommend starting by reading these:
http://obi.virtualmethodstudio.com/tutor...cture.html <--- regarding Obi's overall architectural design
http://obi.virtualmethodstudio.com/tutor...olver.html <--- regarding ObiSolver, the component in charge of performing the actual simulation.
http://obi.virtualmethodstudio.com/tutor...gence.html <--- regarding how the simulation is performed.
http://obi.virtualmethodstudio.com/tutor...setup.html <--- regarding ObiSoftbody blueprints and softbody setup.
http://obi.virtualmethodstudio.com/tutor...aints.html <--- regarding shape matching constraints.
http://obi.virtualmethodstudio.com/tutor...inner.html <--- regarding ObiSoftbodySkinner.
Obi is a really large and complex system, aimed at advanced users. It assumes you're pretty comfortable with basic 3D and physics concepts such as vector spaces, triangle mesh structure, mass, forces, torques, timestep, etc, so what these are is not explained in detail. If you're starting out with 3D or physics it will take some time to get up and running.
I've managed to make a cylinder as a temp garbage can but it looks horrible when the game starts
Looks like your constraints have quite high plasticity. That, or the skinner is not correctly bound to the softbody. You might want to click the "bind skin" button in the ObiSoftbodySkinner, as warned in the manual:
Quote:If you re-generate the softbody blueprint but do not re-bind the skin, skinning will look incorrect. You want to Generate the blueprint first, then Bind the skinner, in that order.
You can add a ObiParticleRenderer component to the softbody to visualize and debug the underlying particles. (see http://obi.virtualmethodstudio.com/tutor...ering.html)
Quote:I'm not even sure where to begin with making this less giggly.
Increase the amount of shape matching constraint iterations (found in the solver's constraints foldout) and/or reduce the physics timestep. A quick way to do this is to use more updater substeps. The effect of iterations/substeps on the resulting simulation is discussed in great detail here: http://obi.virtualmethodstudio.com/tutor...gence.html
Note this applies to all iterative physics engines, so the same can be done with Unity, Havok, etc.
The idea behind the project Im working on is a ball will hit the trash can and the impact will deform the mesh. I am not trying to have it deform from the ground?
Quote:Also getting this error
Make sure you don't have multiple inspector tabs open, the blueprint editor currently does not support multiple editor inspector instances.