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Help  Lag spikes with simple ropes
(27-05-2020, 11:23 AM)monokel Wrote: Hi!

We are currently working on a game that uses Obi Rope (version 5.3) and we are experiencing weird lag spikes every couple seconds (seems random rather than in intervals).
Using the Profiler with Deep Profiling enabled I could boil the source down to the method Oni.OnComplete() often taking 50-100ms. Without deep profiling enabled, I see the Substep as the source of the problem.
There are 11 ropes in the scene. All of the ropes are of the same prefab. These are the settings for the ropes:

All ropes use 1 solver, with the following settings:

The blueprint has a resolution of 0.3 and 10 pooled particles.
The scene itself is rather complex, with around 3k meshes.
Normally the ropes only take about 2-3 ms to compute (simulation & rendering).
The fixed timestep is set to 0.02, the maximum allowed timestep is 0.06.
The Unity version we are using right now is 2019.2.0f1.

Lastly, screenshots of the profiler (in-editor):
With Deep Profiling:

Without Deep Profiling:

I'll gladly provide more information when needed. Any help is appreciated!

Hi there,

We've been unable to reproduce this. Does this happen in editor/in the device/both?
This could be due to death spiraling, as I see in the profiler that FixedUpdate() is called multiple times. However, it could also be the cause of it. Do these spikes take place even when setting the maximum allowed timestep to the same value as the fixed timestep (0.02)?

Messages In This Thread
Lag spikes with simple ropes - by monokel - 27-05-2020, 11:23 AM
RE: Lag spikes with simple ropes - by josemendez - 28-05-2020, 08:54 AM
RE: Lag spikes with simple ropes - by monokel - 28-05-2020, 09:10 AM
RE: Lag spikes with simple ropes - by josemendez - 28-05-2020, 10:53 AM
RE: Lag spikes with simple ropes - by josemendez - 29-05-2020, 11:16 AM