(19-10-2017, 01:09 PM)josemendez Wrote: Tethers should not be used with breakable rope, since they directly link together all particles in the middle of the rope with those at the ends. So if you break the rope, particles will still try to keep a certain distance to the end they're no longer connected to. This is quite probably the cause of the weird behavior.
First try to disable them in editor and see if the behavior improves. If that's the case, you should just disable them the first time to call Tear().
Hi I tried
1- to disable the Obi Tether Constrains component from the chain = Tether constrains still appeared
2- Hit button Clear Tethers (The visualization didnt show tethered constrains) = When the chain breaks the weird behavior persists
3- Unticked "Enable" in the Tether Constrain Parameters of Obi Solver = weird behavior persists
pd, i tried to remove Tethers via script.
Is it possible to attach/instantiate a Handle at the end of the Teared ropes? that way I could attach a small rigid object and give a nice behavior without deleting Tether constrains