18-12-2019, 12:21 PM
(18-12-2019, 11:36 AM)josemendez Wrote: Hi!Hi,
Sorry, I don't understand the question.... what do you mean by "I can't load it as an obisolver only as a gameobject"?
I created a prefab with an obisolver and I exported it to another project. In a script in the project I want to instantiate a solver with the prefab, not creating it by script, just instantiate a solver from the solver prefab I imported...and it failed....unity crashes.
I make some tests since yesterday, if i create a cube and add a script on it....in the script I create a public obisolver. I put the prefab of the solver in the script on the scene and in the start function I just instantiate the solver: ObiSolver.Instantiate(SolverFR, Vector3.zero, Quaternion.identity); Unity freeze....I can't instantiate a solver from a prefab.
I think the only solution is to create by script the solver and the ropes, but it's quite not the best way for me.
thanks a lot in advance if you have any solution for that.