15-04-2019, 08:06 AM
(10-04-2019, 03:31 PM)josemendez Wrote: Hi,
Why not changing the constraint length directly? The ObiRopeCursor component will automatically add particles at fixed intervals to keep sane mass sampling. However you can simply set the length of the distance constraint between both particles, no need to use the cursor. See:
Also, why use a particle simulator, then avoid using particles? Take a look at our Filo simulator, which is specifically designed to simulate cranes and cable-driven machinery (long ropes, huge mass ratios). I think it is a much better match for your use case. In case you think the same, we can swap a Filo license for your Obi one:
Hi There,
We Already have tried using your other asset Filo Simulator, however, because we cant add colliders to the rope, it goes through the crane itself and also the pulley it self. However if you can put up a small tutorial on how to do it properly because I have emailed the support email and they haven't responded to me.