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Swinging rope not behaving right
(10-12-2018, 09:33 AM)aphixe Wrote: I mean mass on regular rigidbody is 50, i tried adjusting it to 10, character get lifted up, but if i move forward it swings like forward but stays there. I looked at the RopeGrapplingHook to see what you set for mass and as well as kinematic setting. and my character doesn't have a kinematic set on. the particles mass hasn't been changed in edit particle. only particle I have set static is top i fixed it in mid air. Perhaps if I have some resources I can read about the physics. I did read the pages on settings, but other sources may help clear up why its not working.

If your character is not kinematic (does not have the kinematic checkbox enabled) the leave it as-is.

Try to get the mass ratio under 10 (so if particles are 0.01 kg, your character can be 1 kg max). There's a thread discussing mass ratios here:

The effect of having a heavy character attached to a light rope is that the character will push the rope more than the rope pushes the character, which is the opposite of what you want. Just like in real life: if a heavy object collides with a light object, the light object will move a lot, but the heavier one will not.

You can get stiffer rope by increasing the amount of distance constraint iterations or reducing the tilmestep, but large mass ratios put more of a burden on the solver.

Messages In This Thread
Swinging rope not behaving right - by aphixe - 10-12-2018, 03:40 AM
RE: Swinging rope not behaving right - by aphixe - 10-12-2018, 09:33 AM
RE: Swinging rope not behaving right - by josemendez - 11-12-2018, 01:14 PM