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Help  Collision marked as Trigger not collides
Obi Plugin v.3.5, Unity 2017.4.5f1 LTS
Collision marked as Trigger does not collide with cloth during simulation.
I've added a temporal fix in Oci.cs in two Set functions, see coding example below.

Is there a reason for it and can I turned simulation on also for trigger objects? Thanks.

ps. Also turning on/off isTrugger not makes collider dirty for Obi, so you need to disable and re-enable it for making them counted by Solver. 

        public void Set(UnityEngine.Collider source, int phase, float thickness){
            boundsMin = source.bounds.min -*(thickness + source.contactOffset);
            boundsMax = source.bounds.max +*(thickness + source.contactOffset);
            translation = source.transform.position;
            rotation = source.transform.rotation;
            scale = source.transform.lossyScale;
            contactOffset = thickness;
            this.collisionGroup = phase;

           //for some reason trigger colliders are not taking part in the simulation
           this.trigger = false;// source.isTrigger;
   = source.GetInstanceID();

Messages In This Thread
Collision marked as Trigger not collides - by mmortall - 16-08-2018, 12:33 PM