11-05-2018, 08:05 PM
(This post was last modified: 11-05-2018, 08:05 PM by josemendez.)
(11-05-2018, 04:33 PM)vicapps Wrote: Same here, can't build for iOS using Unity 2017.3.0
Can you please fix? This plugin is useless if it doesn't compile.
Hi there,
If you have upgraded from a previous version you might have this file:
Simply delete it. It is an old sample file that will not impact the runtime behaviour in any way.
Also, there's a known bug in 3.4 that causes the particle shader to be rejected by the GLES compiler, it doesn't seem to be able to figure out the types involved in a certain expression. Simply make the cast explicit so that it does not get confused by it: (ObiEllipsoids.cginc, line 83 & 84). This has been fixed in 3.5 (to be released shortly)
a2 = mul((float3x3)UNITY_MATRIX_V,mul(IP,mul(IP,WorldEye(worldPos) - center))); //T^-2 * (eye - center)
a3 = mul((float3x3)UNITY_MATRIX_V,mul(IP,mul(IP,view))); //T^-2 * A[0]
(that its, add the (float3x3) cast to UNITY_MATRIX_V).