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Bug / Crash  Bug/Crash when setting timescale to 0 in lateupdate
Hi there,

Here's the fix. Replace ObiSolver.cs' LateUpdate method with this one:

private void LateUpdate(){

        float lateUpdateDelta = 0;

        if (Application.isPlaying && simulationOrder == SimulationOrder.LateUpdate){

             if (Time.deltaTime > 0){

                 // smooth out timestep and accumulate it:
                 lateUpdateDelta = smoothDelta = Mathf.Lerp(Time.deltaTime,smoothDelta,0.95f);


                lateUpdateDelta = 0;


        if (!Application.isPlaying)
        EndFrame (simulationOrder == SimulationOrder.LateUpdate ? lateUpdateDelta : Time.fixedDeltaTime);

        if (OnFrameEnd != null)

Messages In This Thread
RE: Bug/Crash when setting timescale to 0 in lateupdate - by josemendez - 05-05-2018, 12:56 PM