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Help  Issues After Upgrading to Obi Rope 7: Bounciness, Jitter, and Rope Generation Problem

1) Solvers in Obi 7 have two execution modes: synchronous and asynchronous. Async mode is used by default, it is much more performant however it introduces one frame of latency w.r.t systems that run their entire update cycle in a single frame, like rigidbody physics. If your game heavily relies on interaction with rigidbodies (specially via attachments) you should use synchronous mode. In this particular case, it seems like the rigidbody and the rope are playing catch-up with each other, resulting in a force feedback type of situation.


2) Could not reproduce this using your script or the original RopeGrapplingHook one. Would it be possible for you to share a scene/project that exhibits this issue (by sending it to support(at) so that I can take a closer look?

3) and 4) - and maybe also 1)- look to me like the attached end of the rope is colliding against the object it is attached to, leading to jittering as the rope is trying to escape the collider but can't since it is attached to it. This is a physically impossible to solve situation and has always led to undefined behavior in Obi (see "attachments inside colliders" in the manual) but Obi 7 is less tolerant to it due to its faster convergence speed.

I see your code uses ObiUtils.CollideWithEverything as the collision filter for the entire rope, so this is likely the issue. Typically, you'd want a few particles at the end of the rope to use a filter that doesn't allow for collisions against the object they're going to be attached to.

"Collision filters" at the end of the scripting collisions page might also be relevant, as it explains how to create and set up collision filters at runtime:

Let me know if you need further help!

kind regards,

Messages In This Thread
RE: Issues After Upgrading to Obi Rope 7: Bounciness, Jitter, and Rope Generation Problem - by josemendez - 28-08-2024, 08:20 AM