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Help  Particle Attachment on expanding rope

I assume you're attaching the closest particle first, then when the user pulls the rope you detect the amount of stretch in the rope and increase its length based on this? As long as the attachment is behind the cursor and you're only increasing its length (that is, the particle is not in front of the cursors and it consumes particles until the attached particle is gone from the rope) then it should work fine.

When you say "gets stuck as if attached to a world position" do you mean stuck in the air and not following the attachment at all, or following the attachment but there's an offset/gap between the particle and the point you'd expect it to be attached to?

kind regards,

Messages In This Thread
Particle Attachment on expanding rope - by Balou - 26-06-2024, 01:43 AM
RE: Particle Attachment on expanding rope - by josemendez - 26-06-2024, 09:39 AM