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Help  Question about garment onto a 3d avatar using Obi
(05-06-2024, 10:40 AM)josemendez Wrote: It's not very clear from the second video, but it looks like the bottom part of the shirt is colliding against the waist part of the pants?. Collisions between particles will keep them awake, causing them to slowly drop down due to insufficient friction against the body.


thanks for the reply. I agree with your opinion.

I've set 0 sleep threshold, 0.02 collision margin, and I reduced the skin radius value 0.05 to 0.0001, which I think 'very small', but nothing has changed yet. The pants still slowly fall down from the waist to the pelvis. One weird thing is that other short pants aren't affected falling down by any other top clothes. Even the shorts get 0.05 skin radius value(default blueprint setting).

Is there another way to come up with other solutions to this problem? Please let me know. Sonrisa

Thank you

*While waiting the reply, I increased the vertex count of the mesh(pants) doubled, and set negative value of skin backstop radius. It seemed less falling down compared to previous work, but still was affected by shirt I guess.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Question about garment onto a 3d avatar using Obi - by onfitpark - 07-06-2024, 02:58 AM