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Bug / Crash  Frequent crash after assign the FluidPassCompute

Thanks for the detailed repro! I was able to reproduce the issue following your instructions. Now working on it.

(13-05-2024, 05:33 PM)spikebor Wrote: I suspect because the dino with ObiBone is using the ShapeMatching constraint, and it crash the Editor because when the fluid spawn, particles of the fluid also try to shape matching with the ObiBone of the Dino, which is very wrong. But what to do in this case? where I want the ObiBone to interact with the Fluids and Softbodies, it should share one masterSolver with those right? If the Dino has its own solver, then it will ignore the other actors.

Shape matching constraints are only used by ObiSoftbody, and are in charge of keeping the overall shape of the softbody. They are not used by ObiBone, or dynamically added to fluids, or anything similar. The crash seems unrelated to shape matching constraints, from what I could see so far.

(13-05-2024, 05:33 PM)spikebor Wrote: So each Emitter has their ObiFluidSurfaceMesher with different asset data, like for example different VoxelSize.
If my game scene make use of 5 different ObiFluidRenderingPass assets for different kind of fluids, should I add them all to the RendererFeatures list?
If I have too many of them in the list, will they affect performance? Or is there better workflow that I'm unaware of pls tell me thanks.

FluidRenderingPasses only need to be added to a RendererFeature if they are transparent (or otherwise require to know the thickness of the fluid to calculate transmission, in case you're using a custom shader). Opaque rendering passes don't need to be added to a RendererFeature.

Having many FluidRenderingPasses may affect performance, since fluid meshing and rendering is performed once per rendering pass. This is similar to having many materials in a scene. You should aim to have as few rendering passes as possible.

kind regards,

Messages In This Thread
RE: Frequent crash after assign the FluidPassCompute - by josemendez - 14-05-2024, 11:52 AM