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Bug / Crash  Frequent crash after assign the FluidPassCompute
I have this bug when pack the fluid solver in a prefab and spawn them in play mode.


The ObiRigidbody.cs call this 
        private void UpdateVelocities(float stepTime)
            // differentiate positions/orientations to get our own velocites for kinematic objects.
            // also useful for animations.
            if (unityRigidbody.isKinematic && stepTime > 0)
and crash the Editor. In further debug, I saw that it calls in the Solver's gameobject, but the Solver's gameobject does not actually have any ObiRigidbody there.

The bug is easy to reproc, can disable the solver's gameobject in edit mode, then after enter play mode, enable the gameobject.
Or spawn a prefab with the fluid solver setup inside.
Somehow the system wants to have solver already on a visible gameobject on start, or else it will throw errors.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Frequent crash after assign the FluidPassCompute - by spikebor - 12-05-2024, 09:59 AM