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Bug / Crash  Frequent crash after assign the FluidPassCompute
Before I add the FluidPassCompute, the Fluid only crash when I give it too small voxel size and/or too small Max Surface Chunks value.
But after adding the FluidPassCompute, I have many frequent crash (suppose not related to above fields since I've adjusted them)

Now it's likely crash when I enter or exit Play mode.

The log when crashed
D3D11: Failed to create RenderTexture (8 x 8 fmt 9 aa 1), error 0x887a0005
D3D11: Failed to create RenderTexture (8 x 8 fmt 53 aa 1), error 0x887a0005
d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=64 h=64 d3dfmt=2 [887a0005]
Failed to present D3D11 swapchain due to device reset/removed.This error can happen if you draw or dispatch very expensive workloads to the GPU, which can cause Windows to detect a GPU Timeout and reset the device. (see you believe this error is due to built-in Unity functionality, please submit a bug.This is an unrecoverable error and the editor will shut down.

Also, this is the error in that is frequently shown after I added the FluidPassCompute asset.

RTHandle.Initialize should only be called once before allocating any Render Texture. This may be caused by an unreleased RTHandle resource.
Unreleased RTHandles:

UnityEngine.Rendering.RTHandles:Initialize (int,int,bool)
Obi.ObiFluidRendererFeature:Create () (at Assets/Obi/Scripts/Fluid/Rendering/URP/ObiFluidRendererFeature.cs:27)
UnityEngine.Rendering.Universal.UniversalAdditionalCameraData:OnDestroy () (at Library/PackageCache/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal@14.0.9/Runtime/UniversalAdditionalCameraData.cs:819)

Full Editor Log in the attachment.

Don't know why I can't add attachment (it rotating icon), link

Messages In This Thread
Frequent crash after assign the FluidPassCompute - by spikebor - 07-05-2024, 10:51 AM