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Help  Is there a way to query collisions with Obi Bone?
(06-05-2024, 12:00 PM)spikebor Wrote: Can it be done, or he should have Collider? I think Obi Bone or not, it has particles under it as all Obi things, so I can query its collisions with my character (my character has Obi Collider)


It's not clear to me whether your character has a collider or not. You ask whether it should have a Collider, but then you mention it has a ObiCollider?

ObiColliders are intended to expose Colliders to ObiSolvers. So if you have a Collider that you want Obi to detect collisions against, it must also have a ObiCollider. This included collision callbacks like the one you've subscribed to, so yes: your character must have a Collider (and ObiCollider) for particles to collide against it, and for callbacks to return any contacts.

kind regards,

Messages In This Thread
RE: Is there a way to query collisions with Obi Bone? - by josemendez - 06-05-2024, 12:03 PM