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Help  Is there a way to query collisions with Obi Bone?
I want to detect collisions with this character (which has nothing on him other than Obi bone)
Can it be done, or he should have Collider? I think Obi Bone or not, it has particles under it as all Obi things, so I can query its collisions with my character (my character has Obi Collider)
I want to debug the impulse.

[Image: AfR6o6v.png]

The Golem can contact and push my character back, but this code (subscribed to character's solver.OnCollision event) returns no collisions.
        void Solver_OnCollision(object sender, ObiSolver.ObiCollisionEventArgs e)
            foreach (Oni.Contact contact in e.contacts)
                collisionsImpulse += contact.normalImpulse;

Even though I enable Collision and Particle Collision collision / Queries on my character.

Messages In This Thread
Is there a way to query collisions with Obi Bone? - by spikebor - 06-05-2024, 12:00 PM