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Help  Position of Solver in Hierarchy
(27-03-2024, 09:06 AM)josemendez Wrote: Hi,

You can't use XR Interaction components to grab a rope, for a very simple reason: they can only grab GameObjects and ropes aren't made of GameObjects but particles. To grab a rope, detect which particles are close to the player's hand and then override their position, you can do both using the particles API

This will not only allow you to use a single solver for all ropes, but also allow you to properly grab any point along the rope.

There's sample scripts included with Obi that show you how to use the API to interact with particles, for instance ObiParticlePicker/Dragger (which work by raycasting against the particles) and ObiContactGrabber (which works by grabbing particles that are in contact against a collider).

kind regards,

Technically I'm not grabbing the rope, I'm grabbing the hook or nozzle which is attached to the OBI Rope so I'm using static and dynamic attachments then to move the rope once nozzle or hook is grabbed.

So I have a Fire Extinguisher which has a pipe using OBI Rope as its child. As soon as I grab the extinguisher or its nozzle, it moves it to the top hierarchy and can't find the solver anymore above it and stops working. If i add solver on the Rope Game Object or Fire Extinguisher then it works but in such case i will need one solver each for every extinguisher.

Anyway I can use single solver without hierarchy binding?

Messages In This Thread
Position of Solver in Hierarchy - by vrtraining - 27-03-2024, 04:32 AM
RE: Position of Solver in Hierarchy - by vrtraining - 28-03-2024, 05:11 AM