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Whip like Tentacles but rubbery.
Hi All. 

Looking for ideas on how to approach making a rubbery tentacle/octopus arms that will have whip stretchy like action to grab things. 

When you walk I'd like it to dangle and bounce like its made of rubber (maybe use Obi-Softbody) and when it attacks/ whip / swipe like action. 
behaving most like a whip.  Is this even possible / practical with procedural animation. Or should I just animate it in blender? 

I already own Obi-Rope but getting the impression it won't behave like I want it to. Ie. Not the right approach.

Thank for any Ideas!

Messages In This Thread
Whip like Tentacles but rubbery. - by idmah - 31-07-2023, 07:01 PM
RE: Whip like Tentacles but rubbery. - by idmah - 04-08-2023, 03:38 PM