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Problem with optimization when using more than 15 objects
(17-07-2023, 07:21 AM)josemendez Wrote: Hi there!

The profiler is an invaluable tool in this situation: looks like your entire physics loop is being performed 7 times per frame instead of the usual 1, which means the game is suffering from death spiraling. Either reduce your maximum allowed timestep, or increase your fixed timestep. See:

As a side note, you could further reduce the amount of particles in your shapes imho. They have way too many particles given the small amount of deformation they can undergo, which will force you to use more substeps/iterations just to keep them from collapsing under their own weight. This will further affect performance.

As a final remark, make sure your jobs debugger and safety checks are disabled. Having them enabled will have a huge negative impact in performance in the editor for any Burst-compiled code.

kind regards,
I am very grateful to you for your answer!
I've already changed these settings, but it didn't do any good. I changed them wrong!

I made the Maximum Allowed Timestep 2 times larger than the Fixed Timestep so that a maximum of 2 iterations could fit in one frame. Reduced the number of particles by 1.75 times, reduced the number of connections.
It used to be that Maximum Allowed Timestep was 33 times more than Fixed Timestep.
Thank you so much! Sonrojado

Messages In This Thread
RE: Problem with optimization when using more than 15 objects - by vivera7077 - 17-07-2023, 08:27 PM