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Problem with optimization when using more than 15 objects
(15-07-2023, 07:27 PM)vivera7077 Wrote: Hello! In the process of creating my project there was a problem with optimization.
In blueprints 2D shapes are used, respectively each shape contains a small number of particles and connections between them.
I have not been able to cross the threshold of 17 figures for 3 weeks now. When this number of figures is reached, a slideshow starts.
I will attach all settings, parameters and materials on the link to the cloud.
I will be very grateful for help or advice!

Hi there!

The profiler is an invaluable tool in this situation: looks like your entire physics loop is being performed 7 times per frame instead of the usual 1, which means the game is suffering from death spiraling. Either reduce your maximum allowed timestep, or increase your fixed timestep. See:

As a side note, you could further reduce the amount of particles in your shapes imho. They have way too many particles given the small amount of deformation they can undergo, which will force you to use more substeps/iterations just to keep them from collapsing under their own weight. This will further affect performance.

As a final remark, make sure your jobs debugger and safety checks are disabled. Having them enabled will have a huge negative impact in performance in the editor for any Burst-compiled code.

kind regards,

Messages In This Thread
RE: Problem with optimization when using more than 15 objects - by josemendez - 17-07-2023, 07:21 AM