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[SOLVED] Obi Softbody BIND SKIN not working
(03-07-2023, 07:15 PM)netjeenpetje Wrote: Hello, thanks for the quick reply.
We already tried the possible solutions above. It seems like this problem happened after we exported the model with the correct scale parameters in the blender export settings.
Does that give you a clue of what couldve gone wrong?


What do you mean by "correct scale parameters" in this context? There's no single "correct" settings when exporting a mesh, it all depends on what your goal is. Typically you'd want the transform scale to be 1 in all axis, so that the mesh size is consistent with world space units (1 meter in world space = 1 meter in object space).

What's the transform scale of the mesh in the scene? Also what are your ObiSoftbodySkinner component parameters?

kind regards,

Messages In This Thread
RE: Obi Softbody BIND SKIN not working - by josemendez - 04-07-2023, 09:33 AM