31-01-2023, 11:47 AM
(30-01-2023, 05:30 PM)alex798 Wrote: Hello dear developer,
Using ropes pretty much in project and have currently 2 difficulties:
1)I want to stretch my rope around cubeCollider- but because my rope don't produce new particles while stretching, after some limit, rope pass throught collider obviously- what's the way to do it, so that on release one of the ends rope will return to initial state?
You need to increase/decrease the length of your rope. This is done at runtime using a cursor:
(30-01-2023, 05:30 PM)alex798 Wrote: 2) For 3d rope cutting using ObiCollisionEventArgs- is there some way to process it without obiRope enabled and turn it on only if the tearing is happening (for optimization Reazons)?
No, it's a chicken-and-egg problem: if the rope is not enabled, it cannot detect whether it's colliding against objects (and hence, be torn) since this detection is not performed if the rope is disabled.
kind regards,