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For creating runtime tight knot
(17-07-2017, 09:40 AM)josemendez Wrote: Depends on your particular application. For instance, you can measure how much has the user moved since the last frame, and if the movement is too aggressive do this (pseudocode):

movementDelta = userPosition - oldPosition;
if (movementDelta.magnitude > threshold)
    movementDelta = movementDelta.normalized * maxSpeed

This gets rid of very fast and sudden movements, forcing user movements to never exceed maxSpeed. But doesn´t prevent the user from pulling too much, albeit slowly. To prevent this,  measure the amount of stress in the rope (actualLenght/restLength) and if it's much larger than 1, freeze the user position.

Thanks, I will try this and see.

Messages In This Thread
For creating runtime tight knot - by chanddu - 08-07-2017, 11:15 AM
RE: For creating runtime tight knot - by chanddu - 17-07-2017, 07:24 AM
RE: For creating runtime tight knot - by chanddu - 19-07-2017, 08:35 AM
RE: For creating runtime tight knot - by TheMunk - 03-08-2021, 05:30 PM