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Help  Obi cloth vs Marvelous Designer
(26-02-2018, 06:44 PM)lqm231 Wrote: Thank Josemendez.

I finally decided to buy Obi Cloth.
I have updated the sample Character Cloth so that the Trenchcoat's arm can simulate cloth effect. 
Unfortunately, the coat's arm doesn't work like coat's tail. 
Could you please help me? 

Step to re-produce:
1. Add Capsule Collider, Obi Collider to joints: 15, 7, 6, 5 (Don't know if the collider is necessary for joints 7, 6, 5. I just need the cloth effect for arms - joint15)
2. Update Layer of these joints to Ignore Raycast.
3. Add Arm's Particles to body_bashmesh1
Particle editor
Max: 1
Radius: -
Phase: 1
Skin Radius: 0.05
Skin Back Stop Radius: 0.1
Skin Back Stop: 0
Skin Stiffness: 1
4. Re-generate Tether Constraints


For things like sleeves and other cloth very close to the body, you should use skin constraints instead of colliders (see Arm movement is too fast at the beginning of the animation and it will tunnel trough the cloth. If you disable the Animator component in the character, you will see that the sleeve does collide. However when using animation, the first frame of animation will "teleport" the arm outside of the sleeve, and it will stay that way throughout the animation.

This is why character clothing in games cannot be done using colliders alone. Skin constraints (Obi), Backstop values (APEX Cloth) and similar solutions exist to solve this exact problem.


Messages In This Thread
Obi cloth vs Marvelous Designer - by lqm231 - 22-02-2018, 07:30 AM
RE: Is it posisble to use Obi cloth to simulate cloth like Marvelous Designer? - by josemendez - 26-02-2018, 11:18 PM